Thank you for your interest in volunteering to service on a City of Cle Elum Board or Commission. We are seeking candidates for vacancies on its advisory boards and commissions. Appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, board and commission members offer their knowledge and experience to advise and inform the City Council on a variety of issues to help shape the community.
Vacancies occur on scheduled term expirations as well as throughout the year if a seat is vacated early. Applications will be kept on file for two years and are available for public inspection upon request.
Climate Policy Advisory Team
Interested City of Cle Elum residents are invited to apply for a position on the Cle Elum Climate Policy Advisory Team. This group will support the City’s efforts to implement new state climate change planning legislation, which requires the city to add a Climate Element to its Comprehensive Plan. This means that the city will need to address climate resilience in its Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. Learn more about the project at
Civil Service Commission
The Civil Service Commission is mandated and governed by Washington State statutes. This three-person commission works to ensure that hiring, promotions, and appointments to the ranks of the Cle Elum Police Department are made in a fair and unbiased process. The Civil Service Commission may also review disciplinary actions should an employee appeal such actions to the board. Members serve 6-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor. They meet monthly on the third Wednesday at 5:15 PM.
Coal Mines Trail Commission
The Coal Mines Trail Commission is a six-person collaborative body that includes elected and citizen representatives from the cities of Cle Elum and Roslyn as well as Kittitas County. The commission oversees the maintenance, operations, and planning for the Coal Mines Trail. Citizen members serve 2-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet monthly on the first Monday at 6:00 PM.
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission is a five-member body charged with identifying and actively encouraging the conservation of the city’s historic resources by initiating and maintaining a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register properties, raising community awareness of the city’s history and historic resources, and serving as the city’s primary resource in matters of history, historic planning, and preservation. Members serve 3-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet monthly on the third Thursday at 6:00 PM.
Library Board of Trustees
The Library Board of Trustees is a five-member board charged with the oversight, operations, and planning for the Carpenter Memorial Library. Members are elected to 4-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet monthly on the third Tuesday at 5:00 PM.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is a seven-member body that promotes and coordinates comprehensive long-range planning, growth-management, transportation, and environmental protection while also serving as a quasi-judicial body that renders decisions and/or recommendations on subdivisions, conditional use permits, and other items as prescribed in the municipal code. Members are elected to 4-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet bi-monthly on the first and third Tuesdays at 6:00 PM.
Salary Commission
The Salary Commission is a five-member body that reviews and establishes the salaries of elected officials. The commission meets every two years to produce a new salary schedule for the city. Members are elected to 3-year terms and are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet in even-numbered years between February-June.
Tree Board
The Tree Board is a seven-member body that provides the Mayor and Public Works Director with advice and information as to the supervision, direction and control of the care, trimming, removal and relocation, and placement of vegetation in the public streets and areas of the city. Members can be appointed annually by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. They meet on an as-needed basis.