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NOTE: All posted Construction schedules are subject to change as needed.
In Progress…
First Street Downtown Revitalization Project – FINAL PHASE 3D
Second Street Pathway Project – Safety Stabilization
- Second Street Pathway is a 10-foot-wide asphalt pathway that can be used for bikes and pedestrians alike! Each intersection will have a concrete bulb out added on the side of the street that has the pathway. This project includes a new storm drain in the center of the roadway and new catch basins on the side.
- Safety stabilization will span from Pennsylvania Avenue to Wright Avenue, including asphalt patching of the utility trenches within the roadway, constructing the pathway, curb, gutter, bulbouts and connecting catch basins into the storm drain, for fall, winter, and spring runoff.
- Please direct questions to Matt Bailey: [email protected]
- Full Project Plans and Engineering – Stafford Ave to Short Ave
- Original first 5 blocks plans & engineering – Stafford Ave to Wright Ave
- Safety stabilization – Complete
Stafford Ave Corridor Improvements – Spring 2025
This Washington State Department of Commerce (COMMERCE), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – Stafford Avenue Corridor Improvements project will rehabilitate an antiquated distribution water main that serves a majority of the city limits, in conjunction with reconstructing a deteriorated steep and narrow road.
The existing 12-inch water main within the Stafford Avenue corridor is comprised of asbestos cement (AC) pipe which is approximately 70 years old.
The existing Stafford Avenue roadway corridor is the primary access to the “7 Hill” neighborhood, approximately 50 homes, and to the City Heights development, as well as access to the City’s reservoirs. The roadway improvements will address the existing roadway deterioration and deficiencies which include grade, width, roadside clear zone issues, stormwater limitations, and inadequate roadway base.
The roadway improvements will widen Stafford Avenue to 28 feet of asphalt width and reduce the grade to 10.5%, improving emergency services and school bus accessibility, and constructing roadside safety features to improve safety.
Plans available with addendums on the HLA website: click here
- Timeline for Stafford Avenue Corridor Improvements:
Advertisement for Bids | 10/17/2024 & 10/24/2024 |
Bid Opening | 11/7/2024 |
City Council Award | 11/26/2024 |
Construction Commence | 04/14/2025 |
Estimated Construction Completion | 07/09/2025 |
City Hall Remodel – Pending
UKC Community Recreation Center – Pending
- Project information located here:
- Notice of Application and Environmental Review & Comment Period – link to Public Notices page – please scroll down