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Civil Service in local government helps assure that fire fighters and law enforcement officers are recruited through open competition, hired and promoted based on merit, and are demoted, suspended, removed from office or discharged only for causes. The Civil Service Commission is appointed by the mayor and is comprised of three members. Each Commission member must be a citizen of the United States and an elector in Kittitas County. In addition, each member must have been a resident in the community at least three years immediately prior to appointment to the Commission. The Commission meets on an as needed basis.
The Commission’s duties include the following:
- Make rules for operation of the civil service system that are consistent with state law.
- Conduct investigations and prepare reports.
- Hear and determine appeals or complaints.
- Prepare eligibility lists.
- Certify to the appointing authority the name (or names) of the individual(s) ranked highest on the eligibility list.
- Keep records.
The Commission Members are:
- Chuck Wallick
- Camie Stevenson
- Mike Lackey
Civil Service Commission Meetings are regularly scheduled for the Third Wednesday of any given month when the Commission has business to conduct.
Time: 5:15 PM
Location: City of Cle Elum Council Chambers 119 W First Street, Cle Elum, WA 98922; and are in-person meetings only.
Upcoming Agenda:
7-19-23 – No Business
6-21-2023 Postponed to 6-28-2023
04-19-2023 – No Business
03-29-2023 – Make Up Meeting
03-15-2023 – Cancelled (No Quorum)
Meeting Minutes: