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WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING CODE FEE Residential $ 6.50 Commercial $25
Fee charged for each building permit issued.
Imposed for each dwelling unit after the first unit.
Fee charged for each permit issued.
MINIMUM PLAN REVIEW FEE IS $ 110 per hour (minimum charge one hour).
MINIMUM INSPECTION FEE IS $ 110 per hour either for re-inspections or inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated. (minimum charge one hour)
USE OF OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS of plan review and/or inspections will be charged at the actual cost plus 20% departmental administrative and/or overhead costs.
DEPOSITS on all permit applications will be charged as follows:
(Building Official may waive the deposit as needed)
New Residence | $ 900.00 |
Commercial | $ 900.00 |
Modulars | $ 500.00 |
New Accessory | $ 500.00 |
Residential Alteration / Additions | $ 300.00 |
Accessory Alteration / Addition | $ 300.00 |
All Others | $ 300.00 |
All Deposits will be deducted from the total permit fees due.
$ | 1.00 | to | $ | 40,000 | $ 124 for up to and including the first $7,000 plus $11 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $40,000. | |
$ | 40,001 | to | $ | 100,000 | $ 487 for the first $40,000 plus $9 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000. | |
$ | 100,001 | to | $ | 500,000 | $ 1,027 for the first $100,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 | |
$ | 500,001 | to | $ | 1,000,000 | $ 3,827 for the first $500,000 plus $5 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000. | |
$ | 1,000,001 | to | $ | 5,000,000 | $ 6,327 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $5,000,000. | |
$ | 5,000,001 | and over | $ 18,327 for the first $5,000,000 plus $1 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof |
BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION is based on the Building Valuation Data ~ Square Foot Construction Costs table as published in the February 2023 edition of the “Building Safety Journal” magazine and the definitions below. The “Square Foot Construction Costs” table is in a link below. Square foot costs not listed in this table are listed below under “Other Square Foot Costs” and “Miscellaneous Building Permit Fees”.
- All basements and attic rooms 5-feet head height and over shall be valued at the same square foot rate as the rest as the building unless the space can meet the definition of unfinished basement / attic storage.
- Unfinished attic storage rooms will be valued at the same rate as unfinished basements.
- Unfinished Basement / Attic Storage Rooms shall have no interior partitions, no finish materials on floors, walls or ceilings; no more than one plumbing fixture, no heat and not more than minimal lighting and electrical receptacles.
- Spaces with head heights lower than 5-feet will not be considered part of the square footage.
- Residential Building Permit – means a building permit issued by the city to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of any building containing only dwelling units used for independent living of one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, and structures accessory to dwelling units such as detached garages and storage buildings.
- Commercial Building Permit – means a building permit issued by the city to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of any building not covered by a residential building permit.
Residential Carports $ 50 (must be open on two or more sides)
Residential Decks & Patios Open $ 40 Covered $ 50
Pole Buildings (not to be used for commercial buildings) $ 50 Maximum on side enclosed $ 60 Two or more sides enclosed
BUILDING PERMIT FEE is based on the valuation of the project and assessed in accordance with the currently adopted permit fee table above.
BUILDING PLAN REVIEW FEE IS 65% of the building permit fee. ($ 110 minimum)
ADDITIONAL PLAN REVIEW required by changes, additions or revisions to plans will be charged at $ 110.00 per hour with a minimum of 1 hour.
Foundations/Concrete Structures ……………….………. $ 18 (per cubic foot valuation) PLUS: Plan Review Fee
Fences over 7-foot high ……………………………………… $ 170 (each)
Woodstove/Fireplace/Free Standing Stove ………… $ 170 (each) $60 fee PLUS $110 inspection fee if applicable
Roofing …………………………………………………………….…. $ 280 (each)
Remodel ……………………………………………………….…….. Bid Price for Valuation
Modular Building ………………………………………………… $ 0.75 (per sq. ft. fee) PLUS: Foundation Permit Fees and Plan Review Fees
Manufactured Homes ………………………………………… $ 0.75 (per sq. ft. fee)
Demolition …………………………………………………….……. $ 110 (fee per building)
Move Structure …………………………………………………… $ 0.75 (per sq. ft. fee)*
* Plus hourly plan review for the plans submitted indicating how the structure will be brought up to code, plus fee for foundation, plus any additional plumbing/mechanical, etc. Also, a $1,000 bond is required for houses and a $ 500 bond is required for outbuildings.
Short-Term Rental (Check List) ……………………………. $ 400 (each)
FIRE SAFETY PERMIT FEES (fire suppression systems/fire sprinkler systems/fire alarms/etc.) is based on the valuation of the project from the contract or bid price and assessed in accordance with the currently adopted permit fee table above.
FIRE SAFETY PLAN REVIEW FEE IS 65% of the fire safety permit fee. ($ 110 minimum)