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Explore Cle Elum
HISTORY The name Cle Elum, which means “swift water” in the language of the Kittitas Indians, was given to a river, a town, and also a beautiful tranquil lake created by the construction of the Cle Elum Dam. Cle Elum was officially incorporated on February 12, 1902. The town was the birthplace of astronaut Dick […]
Carpenter House Museum; A step over the threshold of the Carpenter House is a step into the past. This marvelous 1914 mansion, with its spacious rooms, tiny alcoves and third-floor ballroom, holds the story of Cle Elum’s first successful banker and his family. High Country Artists shares this historic house, and its art displays provide […]
Work In Progress …. This Page will be linked to all City Parks. In meantime see PARKS in navigation menu at top of home page. Coal Mines Trail: Following an abandoned mining railway easement, this spectacular trail passes several historic mining sites as it makes its way along Crystal Creek and up to Roslyn, WA. […]
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Water Treatment Plant
This multi-million dollar water plant came on line January 28, 2004. Its purpose is to generate potable water by filtering and processing raw Yakima river and Cle Elum river water. The capacity of this plant currently is 6 million gallons per day with room for expansion to 8 million gallons per day. This water plant serves not only the city of Cle Elum but the Town of South Cle Elum and Suncadia master plan resort area.
Type of Process: Rapid Sand, Direct Filtration, Chlorine Disinfection, Sodium Hydroxide PH Regulation.
DOH Plant Certification: Level 3
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2018 Consumer Confidence Report
2017 Consumer Confidence Report
The Mayor is the chief executive and administrative officer of the City, in charge of all departments and employees, with authority to designate department heads subject to Council concurrence. The Mayor presides over all meetings of the City Council, but only has a vote in case of a tie. The Mayor reports to the Council concerning affairs of the City and its financial and other needs and can make recommendations for Council consideration and action. The Mayor directs the preparation of and submits to the Council a proposed budget. The Mayor also has the power to veto ordinances passed by the Council, but a veto may be overridden by five members of the council. The Mayor is the official and ceremonial head of the City and represents the City on ceremonial occasions.