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Winter-time can be a beautiful time of year in the City of Cle Elum: however, living in the “Heart of the Cascades” can sometimes bring heavy snow and other types of severe weather events. The following will familiarize you with some of the City’s policies related to winter conditions.
Plowing: The City routinely evaluates road conditions and sands and salts the streets as warranted by icy conditions. Typically, the city does not plow roads until there is at least 6 inches of snow accumulation. Plow routes generally start in the downtown area and move outward into the residential areas. When you hear the plow coming, it makes it easier to move your vehicle before the plow operations start in your area. Please do not move your vehicle into the area that has not been plowed yet.
Sidewalks: If you have a sidewalk that abuts your property you are required to keep it clear and usable. Please remember that it is illegal to blow, plow or shovel snow into the City streets and / or rights of way.
Storm Drains and Fire Hydrants: If there is a storm drain or fire hydrant in your area, it would be helpful to the city, yourself, and neighbors if you could help keep it clear. The city does its best to keep these valuable pieces of infrastructure clear, but limited staff and the time involved with snow removal makes this a lower priority during snow removal operations. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Parking: To aid in snow removal, the moving of parked cars during removal operations is required to keep our streets open and to provide adequate parking for everyone; Therefore, it is unlawful for any owner or custodian of a motor vehicle to park on any street, alley, avenue or road in the City of Cle Elum for any continuous period exceeding 24 hours. All vehicles parked on city right of way must be able to run on their own power. If you own more than one vehicle, it would be best to find adequate off-street parking, if they cannot be moved during snow removal operations. Parking in the downtown core, either side of Pennsylvania Avenue from Second Street to Railroad Street, Harris Avenue from First Street to Railroad Street and Wright Avenue from First Street to Railroad Street during the hours of 3 am to 6 am are prohibited. Vehicles parked as such will be towed at the owner’s expense. Additionally, no person shall park any motor vehicle on the traveled portion of any street, avenue, roadway, or road within the City of Cle Elum.
Snowmobile use in City Limits: In order to facilitate access between the city and outlying unincorporated areas surrounding the city, Railroad Street is designated as a snowmobile trail. The operation of snowmobiles upon this designated trail area is for ingress and egress to the city and additional purposes including parking of snowmobiles, shopping and engaging in commerce. Other that this designated street, snowmobile use is prohibited on Cle Elum Streets except for ingress and egress to your place of residence or the place of storage of snowmobiles inside or outside the city.
Frozen Water Pipes: Temperatures in Cle Elum can get well below freezing, if you do not keep heat on in your home it can cause water in your pipes to freeze. This can cause tremendous damage to your home if not caught immediately. If you plan to turn you heat off in your home or will not be occupying your home during the winter, you can call the city to shut off the water at the meter. Then you can drain your pipes and winterize your plumbing. The city will shut your water off at no cost to you during normal working hours for winterization or repair purposes. The city will only shut off the water if the owner/ caretaker is present or can tell us the hot water tanks are unplugged and/or turned off.
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Please understand the above information is designed to give you a general familiarity with some of the winter policies of the City and is not complete: please contact City Hall with specific questions or to get the full policy of law regarding these topics.
Thank You